30 July 2012

A Place to Place Things

Since I'm not really using any of my nooks around the interwebs to blog but want to share my trip to Swaziland with some friends, I thought I'd use this little site to write a few updates during my adventure.

For now, just the basics! I'm leaving from Chicago on August 8, will spend August 9 in Zurich and arrive in Johannesburg, SA on August 10. From Johannesburg, I'll head down (by car) to Mbabane, Swaziland and get there mid-afternoon or so.

I'll leave from Swazi the afternoon of August 22 and fly out of Johannesburg to NYC and then arrive in Chicago around lunch time on August 23.

Swaziland is six hours ahead of EST. So...if it's 3pm EST, it's 9pm in Swaziland.

I should have internet occasionally and hope to post updates along the way. By the way...it is FREE for me to receive text messages the entire time I'm away. I may not be able to respond to them (I'll be able to iMessage with iPhone users when I have internet) but don't let that stop you from sending me amusing notes and encouragement if you so desire. It's always a great surprise to hear from someone when you're not expecting it.

A few things I'll be doing...I am SO excited!:
  • Building/painting stuff - getting some homes ready for future teams
  • Counseling women and teens who have been abused
  • Help with group homes and life building skills
  • Food delivery to remote villages
  • Medical & hospital visits
A few things to pray for:
  • That I'll be able to prepare my heart and mind for the trip in the days ahead.
  • That I'll be aware of opportunities to reveal Christ's love all along the way - from cabs in Chicago to plane rides to customs agents to my friends and everyone I'll engage with.
  • That I'll remain as healthy and safe as God wants. I've only been sick on two overseas trips (not counting the whole mono in Moscow incident in 2010) and even in sickness I was given grace and mercy beyond anything I could imagine...though it would be nice to be healthy the entire time. I'm 98% sure all my immunizations are up to date... :)
  • No monkey attacks. Ok. I lied. I totally want to see a monkey attack. Maybe pray that I'll survive if a monkey attacks instead. Or that it will be a happy monkey.
I can't believe this is the third time I'll be in Africa in just four short years. What a tremendous gift. I pray I steward it well.
